The future of work is uncertain, with a wide range of societal changes affecting the labour market.
Technological advances and increased connectivity; continued austerity and political uncertainty; demographic and climate change; shifting attitudes to working and more flexible patterns of employment; globalisation and urbanisation all impact on the nature of work.
Concerns about the implications of a growing gig-economy, underemployment, a proliferation of zero-hour contracts and other non-traditional and insecure employment practices have grown.
Simultaneously, swift technological advances among other disruptive social and economic shifts are generating speculation about an end to work as we know it.
Given the scale and pace of change, it is likely that many children in primary school today will work in jobs that either do not exist today, or at least have constituent tasks that are very different from those of today. At the same time, the workforce of 2030 will largely be made up of the same people who are in the workforce today.
In our review, we seek to cut through these wide-ranging debates and speculation by reviewing the available evidence on the main drivers of change; considering the responses of employers and workers; and assessing the possible implications for policy makers and in particular the Welsh Government.