Making collaboration work to enable community action and wellbeing 

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Date 30 January 2024

In conjunction with the Resourceful Communities Partnership and sponsored by Social Care Wales, we are holding an interactive online workshop focused on improving multi-sector collaboration to enable community action and wellbeing.

January 30 2024 12.30 – 4.30

Sign-up here 

The workshop will provide an opportunity to generate tangible ideas for establishing or improving collaborations between public, third and community sectors ‘on the ground’.

Rather than provide a generic list of ‘ingredients’ for effective collaboration, we will present findings on specific actions taken to support collaboration in different contexts from our review of research and practice evidence. The workshop will engage with these findings and, crucially, add to them by drawing on the expertise and experiences of workshop participants.

We welcome anyone interested in multi-sector collaboration, and hope to involve participants from diverse places, sectors, and areas of work.

For more information: