Children and Families

The number of children in care in Wales on the rise. How can we support families to reverse this trend and to minimise negative outcomes?

The WCPP has worked for a while on understanding the rising number of children in care in Wales and effective approaches to addressing this trend. A trend that is a cause for concern because of the potential impact on the outcomes of children who are taken into care in terms of educational attainment, health, unemployment, homelessness, and criminal justice. The WCPP’s work in this area has recently shifted to a focus on prevention and early intervention. ‘At risk’ children and families will frequently interact with multiple agencies and services. Our work looks at whether and how multi-agency working in Wales could be improved to support families and reduce the risk of children being taken into care.



Our published research on children and families provides vital information for policymakers and researchers.
Showing 1 to 8 of 32 results
Publications 27 September 2024
Increasing access to early childhood education and care (ECEC) among Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic children and families in Wales  
Increasing access to early childhood education and care (ECEC) is a global priority as it is seen as key for tackling and preventing a range...
Publications 20 May 2024
Expert opinion on eliminating profit from the care of children looked after
We were commissioned to gather experts’ opinions on the Welsh Government's proposed legislation to eliminate private profit from the provision of children’s residential and...
Publications 12 January 2024
Data analysis to support multi-agency working for vulnerable children and families
Multi-agency data can be used to identify trends, risks and opportunities, and to inform the development of effective policies and services for vulnerable children and...
Publications 18 December 2023
International approaches to population ageing and decline
There is a real risk of population decline in Wales, especially among the younger and working age populations, and especially if in-migration falls.



Our portfolio of projects creates knowledge and evidence around all aspects of policy affecting children and families in Wales.
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results
International approaches to population ageing and decline
With the population of Wales projected to continue to age and faced with a decreasing working-age population, we are conducting a review of the best...
Children looked after
The substantial and sustained increase in the rate of children in care in Wales over the past 25 years has been a source of policy concern...
Education attainment: Responding to the Coronavirus pandemic
The Coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated existing educational inequalities worldwide. Modelling of the impact of school closures in England suggests that ten years’ worth of efforts...
Raising the age of participation in education or training to 18 in Wales
In England, the compulsory age of participation in education or training was raised to 17 in 2013 and then 18 in 2015. In Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, the...


We have a wealth of publications and commentary covering all aspects of children in Wales.



Meet the Children and Families team
Professor Dan Bristow
Director of Policy and Practice
Image of Professor Dan Bristow
Dr Amy Lloyd
Research Fellow / HDRC Research and Evidence Lead
Image of Dr Amy Lloyd