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Publications 28 February 2018
Improving Health and Employment Outcomes
This report explores how economics inactivity due to ill health can be addressed.
Commentary 20 February 2018
Brexit and Wales – Land and Sea: Griffin Carpenter Vlog
Griffin Carpenter, from the New Economics Foundation, gives a brief overview of his report for the Wales Centre for Public Policy which looked at the...
Commentary 20 February 2018
Brexit and Wales – Land and Sea: Professor Janet Dwyer Vlog
Professor Janet Dwyer, from the Countryside and Community Research Institute, gives a brief overview of her report for the Wales Centre for Public Policy which...
Brexit and Wales – Land and Sea
This project explores the potential implications of Brexit on fisheries, agriculture, and rural areas in Wales.
Pages 12 February 2018
Pages 9 February 2018
Privacy Policy
Our website will not store or capture personal data (e.g. name, email address) without the prior knowledge and consent of our users. In the...
Pages 9 February 2018
Terms and Conditions
All text, images and other content on this website is copyright of the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP), unless explicitly stated otherwise. It may...