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Showing results 721-728 of 837
past event
What Works to Improve Community Resilience and Wellbeing?
22 February 2018
On the 22nd February we held an event with Public Service Board (PSB) representatives to explore how the Centre can help provide evidence to support...
Commentary 21 March 2018
Brexit, Immigration and Wales: Professor Jonathan Portes Vlog
Professor Jonathan Portes (King's College London) discusses the implications that Brexit will have on immigration, and what this will mean for Wales. This video was...
Commentary 20 March 2018
Co-production is Key to Designing Successful Health and Employment interventions
I was very pleased to read the report from the WCPP and the Institute for Employment Studies which examined how health and employability outcomes could...
Pages 14 March 2018
Using Evidence
Pages 14 March 2018
Policy Making and Delivery
Pages 14 March 2018
Pages 14 March 2018
Pages 13 March 2018
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