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Publications 20 March 2020
Strengthening economic resilience
In the face of economic uncertainty, policy makers are interested in how the economic resilience of economies might be strengthened. This report examines the evidence...
Commentary 26 February 2020
Delivering a Just Transition: What would it look like?
In our previous blog we looked at why a just transition could be an equitable means of decarbonising the economy. This post looks in more...
Commentary 16 December 2019
Why a ‘Just Transition’? Decarbonisation and economic justice
This is the first in a series of 3 blogs posts on achieving a just transition.This first blog considers what a just transition is, our...
Commentary 5 December 2019
5 things we learned about procurement
The Wales Centre for Public Policy has been exploring the case for a more strategic approach to public procurement for nearly two years. In July 2018...
Strengthening the Economic Resilience of the Welsh Economy
The concept of economic resilience has gained prominence in the decade since the financial crisis of 2008/09, raising interest as to why some economies appear more...
Commentary 5 November 2019
The Preston Model: A panacea for Wales?
Procurement is moving up the agenda. In Wales, First Minister Mark Drakeford has advocated reforming procurement and procurement has been suggested as a way to...
Options for sustainable Welsh fisheries and fishing stocks management post-devolution
The Welsh Government are preparing their approach to fisheries for if/when the UK leaves the European Union. They are particularly interested in future opportunities,...
Publications 24 October 2019
Achieving a prosperous economy: insights from other nations and regions
This report summarises the evidence from approaches that have improved economic performance in a selection of areas in the UK and Europe. Identifying areas comparable...