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Showing results 665-672 of 837
Determining the Tax Base in Wales
Analysing the scale and the sustainability of the tax base supporting the major devolved revenue-raising taxes
Improving Cross-cutting Government Working
The challenge to improve coordination across policy areas and public service boundaries is common to many governments
Future of Work in Wales
In his speech to the 2016 Labour Party conference the First Minister of Wales, Rt Hon Carwyn Jones, called for a “deep and thorough investigation into...
Approaches to Enabling Job Progression in Key Foundational Sectors
Identifying effective job progression models and how they might be usefully applied in foundation sectors
Youth Homelessness Prevention Pathways
Tackling homelessness, and reducing the risk of homelessness for young people in particular, is a priority for the Welsh Government. At the launch of the...
Dr Eleanor MacKillop
Research Associate
Image of Dr Eleanor MacKillop
Dr Paul Worthington
Former Senior Research Officer
Pages 10 April 2018
Advisory Group
The Advisory Group provides advice on the Centre’s long-term development and strategic direction. Members of the Group are distinguished individuals with substantial experience of...