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Publications 11 June 2018
What Works in Tackling Rural Poverty: An Evidence Review of Interventions to Improve Transport in Rural Areas
Rural public transport is considered crucial to the development of rural areas, and plays a central role in key groups accessing services, employment, training, and...
Commentary 15 May 2018
Our part in the Welsh Government Gender Equality Review
Dr Alison Parken is contributing to a review of international best practice on gender equality
Gender Equality in Wales
Supporting Chwarae Teg to review international evidence on best practice
Publications 26 February 2017
Harnessing Growth Sectors for Poverty Reduction
This report considers how growth sectors can reduce poverty by providing high quality jobs and opportunities for career progression. Based on research funded by the...
Publications 16 February 2017
Growth Sectors: Data Analysis on Employment Change, Wages and Poverty
This report funded by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) and ESRC demonstrates that the sector which an individual works in has a significant...
Publications 2 November 2016
Alternatives Approaches to Reducing Poverty and Inequality
As part of our work exploring what works in tackling poverty, the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) held a workshop to explore alternative approaches...
Publications 12 July 2016
Breaking the Cycle: What Works in Reducing Intergenerational Worklessness and Fragile Employment
The Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) worked with experts from the Institute for Employment Research at University of Warwick to review the effectiveness of...