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Commentary 17 May 2019
Powers and Policy Levers – What works in delivering Welsh Government policies?
As Wales marks twenty years of devolution, our latest report, Powers and Policy Levers: What works in delivering Welsh Government policies? presents the findings of...
Publications 17 May 2019
Powers and Policy Levers – What works in delivering Welsh Government policies?
This report presents the findings of research on the ways in which Welsh Ministers use the powers and policy levers available to them. We focus...
Commentary 17 April 2019
How can governments improve cross-cutting working?
Cross cutting working - making sure that different departments and services work effectively with each other - is a constant challenge for all governments, even...
Welsh councils’ perceptions of austerity
Drawing on interviews with Welsh council leaders, chief executives, finance directors, and external stakeholders, this study explores Welsh councils’ responses to austerity. We find that...
Commentary 27 March 2019
The role of behaviour change in shaping public policy decisions
Behaviour change is an increasingly common theme in public policy. Peter John goes as far to claim that ‘many of the greatest challenges in public...
Publications 13 March 2019
Sustainable Public Procurement
What is meant by sustainable public procurement, the key approaches to achieving it, and how these can be implemented