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Publications 23 July 2018
Evidence for Good
How charities use evidence to boost their influence and impact
Publications 19 July 2018
Parental Physical Punishment: Child Outcomes and Attitudes
The former Cabinet Secretary for Children and Communities asked the PPIW to undertake a review of the evidence on children’s attitudes towards physical punishment,...
Press Releases 19 July 2018
Smacking children no more effective than other forms of discipline says new report
Report also finds negative impact of smacking appears to be very small
Publications 10 July 2018
Putting Equality at the Heart of Decision-making
Gender Equality Review (GER) Phase One: International Policy and Practice
Publications 6 July 2018
What Works in Tackling Rural Poverty
The Welsh Government has supported a wide range of programmes to address rural poverty and yet recent estimates suggest that almost a quarter of the...
Publications 2 July 2018
The Welsh Tax Base: Risks and Opportunities after Fiscal Devolution
Under the new Fiscal Framework and devolution of some tax powers, from April 2019, the Welsh Government and local authorities will control nearly £5 billion of tax...
Press Releases 2 July 2018
Risks and opportunities for devolved taxes set out in new expert report
It warns that there's no simple way of increasing income tax revenue without knock-on effects
Guto Ifan
Research Assistant