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Towards a just transition in Wales
There has been a resurgence of awareness, among both the public and policymakers, in tackling climate change since early 2019. In Wales, the Welsh Government’s...
Post-Brexit migration and Wales
The UK Government plans to end free movement of people to the UK from EU countries and the proposed Immigration Bill will have significant implications...
The implications of the European transition for key economic sectors
The European Union is the most economically valuable international trading partner for Wales and the UK, accounting for 43% and 52% of total UK exports and imports...
Publications 30 November 2020
Post-Brexit migration and Wales
This report analyses the potential impacts of post-Brexit migration policies on Wales’ labour market, population and society, and identifies ways in which the Welsh Government...
Publications 2 September 2020
Policy options for Welsh fishing opportunities
The current size and performance of the Welsh fishing industry, as well as the policy context of the Well-being of Future Generations Act and Environment...
Commentary 14 August 2020
The Vital Role of Tertiary Education
Post-16 education and training are vital to individual opportunity and to the green economic growth Wales needs if it is to match the ambition of...
Publications 5 August 2020
The implications of Brexit for household incomes
In 2019, the Counsel General and Minister for European Transition asked the Wales Centre for Public Policy to analyse the implications of Brexit for household incomes...