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Publications 31 January 2020
Public Engagement and ‘A Healthier Wales’
This report considers how commitments on public engagement set out in A Healthier Wales (AHW) might be translated into an evidence-informed programme of activity. Defining...
Commentary 21 October 2019
Is healthcare in Wales really that different?
Whenever the UK media discusses the NHS, more often than not it is talking about the NHS in England, rather than all four nations, although...
Commentary 10 September 2019
Male Suicide – A Silent Epidemic
10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day. This annual event aims to raise the awareness of suicide, educate about the causes and warning signs of...
Publications 9 April 2019
Supporting Improvements in Health Boards
What is effective in supporting improvement in health boards?
Public Engagement on Health and Social Care Transformation
What role does public engagement play in achieving the Welsh Government A Healthier Wales plan?