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Publications 10 November 2020
Increasing diversity in public appointments through recruitment
This report has been prepared to support the Welsh Government’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategy for public appointments, with a focus on how recruitment strategies...
Commentary 3 November 2020
A Conversation on Wales’ Future
On 18th September 2020 we, along with our colleagues at WISERD (Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data), hosted a webinar in which Carwyn...
Race equality rapid evidence review
The Welsh Government has made a commitment to publish a Race Equality Action Plan designed to tackle structural racial and ethnic inequalities in Wales. The...
Commentary 14 August 2020
The Vital Role of Tertiary Education
Post-16 education and training are vital to individual opportunity and to the green economic growth Wales needs if it is to match the ambition of...
Commentary 21 October 2019
Tackling Inequalities through Gender Budgeting
With the opportunity provided by the Gender Equality Review and the commitment to feminist principles by the Welsh Government, the time is ripe for the...
Publications 24 September 2019
Gender Equality – Learning from Nordic Nations
This report summarises discussions from a gender equality knowledge exchange, facilitated by Wales Centre for Public Policy, between experts from Nordic nations, Welsh Government ministers...
Publications 24 September 2019
Tackling Inequality through Gender Budgeting
Gender budgeting is an approach to public policy making that puts gender analysis at the heart of budget processes, public finance and economic policy, as...
Commentary 23 July 2019
Responding to those in difficulty with council tax debt in Wales: what does the evidence show?
This blog draws on a recent Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) report ‘Responding to citizens in debt to public services: A rapid evidence review’...