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Responding to citizens in debt to public services
This project aimed to find out how public services and their contracted partners in Wales might better respond to vulnerable debtors, especially those subject to...
Commentary 26 June 2018
Rural poverty: the case of Powys
Dr Greg Thomas explores in a guest blog in our rural poverty series
Commentary 18 June 2018
How community-based solutions can improve rural transport in Wales
A guest blog by Christine Boston, Director of the Wales Community Transport Association
Rural Poverty in Wales
The Welsh Government has identified Rural Poverty as a priority area for evidence, and our own preliminary analysis of existing research confirmed that there is...
Youth Homelessness Prevention Pathways
Tackling homelessness, and reducing the risk of homelessness for young people in particular, is a priority for the Welsh Government. At the launch of the...
Commentary 21 March 2018
Brexit, Immigration and Wales: Professor Jonathan Portes Vlog
Professor Jonathan Portes (King's College London) discusses the implications that Brexit will have on immigration, and what this will mean for Wales. This video was...
Publications 9 October 2015
Future Need and Demand for Housing in Wales
Is Wales prepared for the future need and demand for housing?