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Commentary 5 February 2020
Engaging matters: making sure the public have a voice in the future of Welsh health and social care
This blog draws on a recent Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) report Public engagement and ‘A Healthier Wales’, co-authored by Paul Worthington, Sarah Quarmby...
Publications 14 January 2020
Administering Social Security in Wales
In Wales social security is currently reserved to the UK Government, with the exception of some benefits. Since the devolution of social security in Scotland (2018)...
Commentary 29 November 2019
Mobilising Meaningful Connections between Evidence and Practice
At the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP), we are continually reflecting upon our role as a ‘knowledge brokerage organisation’ (KBO). We see ‘knowledge brokerage’...
Commentary 26 November 2019
What works in getting evidence used?
One of the Early Intervention Foundation's (EIF) core functions is to see that evidence on early intervention is actually being used in policy, decision-making and...
Commentary 18 November 2019
Researching the Use of Evidence in Policy Making
What does it mean to be a ‘knowledge broker’? What impact does knowledge brokerage have on government policymaking? Why might evidence use at the local...
Commentary 5 November 2019
The Preston Model: A panacea for Wales?
Procurement is moving up the agenda. In Wales, First Minister Mark Drakeford has advocated reforming procurement and procurement has been suggested as a way to...
Public sector leadership development – existing provision and international approach
The First Minister wants an independent assessment of how Welsh public services can ensure that leadership development for their staff equips current and future leaders...
Evidence Informed Policy Making (EIPM) at the local level
We are undertaking research on evidence use in policymaking, service design and implementation at the local level. A range of initiatives have been introduced, at...