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Publications 28 March 2024
What could education, jobs and work look like across Wales by 2035?
Education and work form the backbone of people’s lives, as well as being of crucial importance to the economic and social development of Wales....
Publications 28 March 2024
Decarbonising Wales’ transport system while connecting people and places
Transport is the third highest greenhouse gas emitting sector in Wales. Decarbonising the transport sector while ensuring that the people and places of Wales are...
Rosalind Phillips
Research Apprentice
Image of Rosalind Phillips
Publications 7 March 2024
Lived experience evidence in disability policy making
Welsh Government is committed to including lived experience evidence in policymaking wherever possible. This commitment was reinforced in disability policymaking following the publication of the...
Commentary 7 March 2024
Q and A with Kathryn Williams, PhD intern
We caught up with Kathryn Williams who has recently spent three months as a PhD intern with WCPP. Kathryn is an ESRC funded PhD student...
Dr Rounaq Nayak
ESRC Policy Research Fellow
Image of Dr Rounaq Nayak