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Pages 5 September 2019
Commentary 21 August 2019
How did we get here and how can we build on it?
Seven chapters that shape the Welsh economy.
Commentary 23 July 2019
Responding to those in difficulty with council tax debt in Wales: what does the evidence show?
This blog draws on a recent Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) report ‘Responding to citizens in debt to public services: A rapid evidence review’...
News Articles 16 July 2019
Wales Centre for Public Policy acclaimed for outstanding impact on policy in Wales
The Wales Centre for Public Policy, based at Cardiff University, has been acclaimed by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) through its annual Celebrating...
Pages 10 July 2019
What role can evidence play in improving policy decision and outcomes? How can it support better policy making and delivery? PEP Talk explores policy, evidence...
Commentary 8 July 2019
Welsh Policy and Politics in Unprecedented Times
On 24th May 2019, the Wales Centre for Public Policy and the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) organised a conference...
Dr Jack Price
Research Associate
Image of Dr Jack Price
Publications 26 June 2019
At the Tipping Point: Welsh Local Government and Austerity
This report outlines Welsh councils’ responses to austerity, drawing on interviews with Welsh council leaders, chief executives, finance directors, and external stakeholders. Councils have responded...