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Commentary 10 September 2019
Male Suicide – A Silent Epidemic
10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day. This annual event aims to raise the awareness of suicide, educate about the causes and warning signs of...
Commentary 7 March 2019
How do we Tackle Loneliness? Evidence on Deprivation and Different Communities
How to alleviate loneliness for materially deprived people, and different interventions for different communities
Commentary 14 February 2019
Is the future of the economy threatening local taxation?
Examining the impact of automation and high street closures on tax revenues
Commentary 31 January 2019
What does the evidence say about loneliness in Wales?
Suzanna Nesom explores what we know about the concept of loneliness
Commentary 11 January 2019
Preventing youth homelessness in Wales
Homelessness expert Tamsin Stirling explores what's being done to tackle youth homelessness