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Publications 15 July 2020
20’s the limit: How to encourage speed reductions
The 20mph default speed limit on all residential roads in Wales is part of a suite of measures to promote ‘liveable’ communities. 20mph limits have...
Commentary 19 June 2020
The Coronavirus pandemic – an opportunity for policy entrepreneurs?
It has become something of a mantra that ‘things cannot be the same’ after the Coronavirus pandemic. This is partly because of a growing sense...
Commentary 12 June 2020
The role of Welsh local government in a post-Coronavirus world
The role that local government plays in the frontline provision of public services is highlighted and accentuated at times of crisis. Councils across Wales have...
Local Institutions, Productivity, Sustainability and Inclusivity Trade-offs (LIPSIT)
Local Institutions, Productivity, Sustainability and Inclusivity Trade-offs (LIPSIT) was an ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) funded collaborative project. The project explored the institutional and...
Commentary 20 April 2020
How might lower-ranking officials have a greater impact on policy development than previously assumed?
How can small-territory, subnational governments make the most of their position? Subnational governments like the devolved governments in the UK combine some of the opportunities...
Developing implementation across the What Works network
Building on our work to increase the impact of the What Works network across the UK, the Wales Centre for Public Policy has won funding...
Commentary 10 March 2020
Increasing the reach of the What Works network
At Wales Centre for Public Policy we’re part of the UK’s What Works network. It’s a group of 13 (and counting) Centres aiming...
Publications 10 March 2020
Increasing the impact of the What Works network across the UK
This report summarises the learning from an ESRC Strategic Fund project led by the Wales Centre for Public Policy in partnership with Queen’s University...