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Commentary 13 May 2024
Towards a green economy: building on Wales’ legislative foundation
There is much talk about the scale and pace of change that is needed to move towards net zero in Wales. The changes are equally...
past event
Poverty Stigma Insight Network – Shaping Session
6 June 2024
Since 2023, the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP), as part of the International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO), has been working to explore how public services...
Commentary 6 May 2024
How healthy is democracy in Wales and how can we best measure it?
With ‘democratic backsliding’ a concern in national and international politics, along with an eroding trust in government, this blog by Greg Notman and Professor James...
Guidance for schools to support trans young people
The Welsh Government published an LGBTQ+ Action Plan in February 2023, providing a framework for policy development across the Welsh Government and partners to support LGBTQ+...
Commentary 17 April 2024
How to improve regional productivity levers in England and Wales
How to improve regional productivity levers in England and Wales As winners of the 2024 Award for the Best Paper published in Regional Studies Policy Debates,...
News Articles 17 April 2024
Barriers and opportunities to Wales reaching net zero
WCPP’s final evidence papers for the WNZ 2035 Challenge Group show that Wales is behind its current 2050 net zero ambitions in transport and residential buildings
Publications 10 April 2024
How could Wales heat and build low-carbon homes by 2035?
Achieving net zero in Wales requires drastic reductions in emissions from new and existing buildings. Decarbonisation of domestic heating has a critical role to play...