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Showing results 361-368 of 837
Charlotte Grey
Lucia Homolova
Research Assistant
Pippa Britton
Double Paralympian & Vice Chair
Optimising Outcomes from Procurement and Partnering for Covid-19 and Beyond: Lessons from the Crisis
Procurement accounts for £100bn (47%) of local authority (LA) spending (IoG,2018). Leveraging these resources to the greatest social and economic effect is now crucial in promoting...
Dr Clare Fitzgerald
Research Fellow
Professor John Shutt
Professor of Public Policy and Management
Professor Joyce Liddle
Professor of Public Leadership/Enterprise
Commentary 6 November 2020
Building on strong foundations: the volunteer response to the pandemic in Wales
Emma Taylor-Collins and Hannah Durrant from Wales Centre for Public Policy, and WCVA’s Helpforce Cymru Manager Fiona Liddell look for a pattern in recent...