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Showing results 345-352 of 837
The implications of the European transition for key economic sectors
The European Union is the most economically valuable international trading partner for Wales and the UK, accounting for 43% and 52% of total UK exports and imports...
Commentary 30 November 2020
Gradually and then all at once – The UK’s new points-based migration system and small and medium enterprises
Responding to the Wales Centre for Public Policy’s (WCPP) report on the impact of a new post-Brexit migration system, in this blog Dr Llyr...
Publications 30 November 2020
Post-Brexit migration and Wales
This report analyses the potential impacts of post-Brexit migration policies on Wales’ labour market, population and society, and identifies ways in which the Welsh Government...
Dr Llyr ap Gareth
Senior Policy Adviser
Loneliness in Wales
Loneliness has a significant impact on public health and wellbeing, and has been a priority issue for Welsh Government and public services across Wales since...
Ruth Hannan
Transform Programme Manager
Professor David Bell
Professor of Economics