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Publications 26 September 2022
International review of effective anti-poverty policies and programmes
As part of the Wales Centre for Public Policy’s (WCPP) review of poverty and social exclusion, the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE)...
Publications 26 September 2022
Lived experience of poverty and social exclusion in Wales
This report outlines the results of four workshops conducted in different areas of Wales involving people with direct lived experience of poverty and social exclusion....
Publications 26 September 2022
International review of effective anti-poverty strategies
This report, written by the New Policy Institute (NPI), reviews the international evidence on what makes an anti-poverty strategy effective. The report forms part of...
Publications 26 September 2022
Review of poverty and social exclusion in Wales
The Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) have prepared two reports on poverty and social exclusion in Wales as part of our work to deliver...
Publications 15 November 2021
Implementing the Race Equality Action Plan
The Welsh Government’s Race Equality Action Plan sets out to tackle structural racial inequalities in Wales in order to make ‘meaningful and measurable changes...
Commentary 25 May 2021
Creating an anti-racist Wales
The Coronavirus pandemic has increased the urgency of actions to eliminate racial disparities in Wales. Analysis shows that the risk of deaths involving COVID-19 among...
Commentary 17 March 2021
Embedding Black and minority ethnic history, identity and culture into Welsh education
“Black history is Welsh history, and Welsh history is Black history” Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales (October 2020)   The new Curriculum for Wales 2022 presents...