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Commentary 7 June 2021
Volunteering lessons from the pandemic
Amanda Carr, Director of Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS), reflects on how new research into volunteering and wellbeing during the pandemic matches up with...
Publications 7 June 2021
Volunteering and wellbeing during the Coronavirus pandemic
Volunteering has played a crucial role in supporting communities during the pandemic. Interest in volunteering saw a dramatic spike early in the pandemic, and volunteers...
Amanda Carr
Professor Jane South
Professor of Healthy Communities
Andrew Passey
Research Assistant
Victoria Boelman
Director of Research
past event
Education Attainment: Responding to Coronavirus Workshops
22 June 2021
Who this event is for This event is for educators, particularly teachers and headteachers from schools and colleges. Dates available 22nd June 2021: 9.30am - 12.30pm 6...