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Showing results 241-248 of 837
Modelling carbon emissions in Wales
The combination of increasing global demand for energy and strict carbon emissions targets have made the decision-making process around acquiring and using energy  complex. In...
Decarbonising Wales: Energy, Industry, Land
Following the Welsh Government’s pledge to meet net zero emissions by 2050 and the outcome of the COP26 conference in Glasgow, it is clear that...
Supporting the Welsh lifelong learning system
Plans in Wales for a new Commission for Tertiary Education and Research, and the introduction of the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Bill to the...
Publications 15 November 2021
Implementing the Race Equality Action Plan
The Welsh Government’s Race Equality Action Plan sets out to tackle structural racial inequalities in Wales in order to make ‘meaningful and measurable changes...
News Articles 11 November 2021
WCPP work showcased in new report from the Academy of Social Sciences
The Wales Centre for Public Policy is featured in a new report published by the Academy of Social Sciences, in partnership with SAGE Publishing. The...
Dr Anna Skeels
Senior Research Fellow
Image of Dr Anna Skeels
Christine Cox
Former Centre Manager