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Publications 27 May 2022
Infrastructure and longterm wellbeing
This commentary report accompanies a rapid review of evidence about how physical infrastructure influences long-term wellbeing, commissioned by the Welsh Government to help inform its...
Publications 13 October 2021
Stakeholders’ ideas for tackling loneliness in Wales through the pandemic and beyond
In July 2021, the Wales Centre for Public Policy worked in partnership with Kaleidoscope Health and Care to run a multifaceted engagement programme involving stakeholders working...
Commentary 11 October 2021
New insight into loneliness in Wales
New analysis by the Wales Centre for Public Policy gives important new insights into how different characteristics can multiply people’s risk of loneliness. Until...
Publications 11 October 2021
Who is lonely in Wales?
This series of data insights on loneliness in Wales is based on bespoke analysis of the National Survey for Wales (NSW). It is designed to...
Commentary 2 September 2021
A pandemic called loneliness
When I was asked to attend the event on ‘Tackling loneliness in Wales through the pandemic and beyond’ as a representative for my organisation (Carmarthenshire...
Commentary 13 July 2021
What I’d tell the Beatles about loneliness
To be honest, I’m not really a big Beatles fan. But oddly, when it comes to singing songs in the shower, “Eleanor Rigby” with “...
Publications 7 June 2021
Volunteering and wellbeing during the Coronavirus pandemic
Volunteering has played a crucial role in supporting communities during the pandemic. Interest in volunteering saw a dramatic spike early in the pandemic, and volunteers...