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Commentary 3 February 2022
Should the age of participation in education or training be raised to 18 in Wales?
Dr Matt Dickson is Reader in Public Policy at the Institute for Policy Research (IPR) at the University of Bath. Sue Maguire is an Honorary...
Publications 30 September 2021
Well-being briefings for Public Services Boards
Public Services Boards (PSBs) are required by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to produce well-being assessments every five years, in line with local...
Reform of Electoral Law and Practice
Elections were devolved to Wales through the Government of Wales Act 2017. Since then, Welsh Ministers have embarked on a programme of electoral reform most noted...
Publications 17 June 2021
Improving evidence use in local government
Fostering links between academia and local government has long been a concern for those interested in promoting evidence-informed practice. While the barriers and enablers of...
Well-being briefings for Public Services Boards
Public Services Boards (PSBs) are required by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to produce well-being assessments every five years, in line with local...
Publications 9 June 2021
The Welsh Government’s use of policy tools for mainstreaming equalities
From the onset of devolution, the Welsh Government has had a statutory duty to mainstream equality of opportunity in all of its activities. Following two...