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Publications 9 September 2020
Children looked after in Wales
On 31st March 2019, there were 6,845 children looked after in Wales, a further increase of 440 compared to the previous year. As a result, the gap between...
Commentary 9 April 2020
Youth Homelessness: Moving Towards Prevention
WCPP’s  reports on Preventing Youth Homelessness were published in 2018. Since then, we have been working with a range of stakeholders to communicate our key...
Publications 3 March 2020
International approaches to managing placement provision for children and young people looked after
This report presents the findings of a review of the international evidence on approaches to managing placement provision for children and young peopled looked after,...
Publications 17 February 2020
What do children and young people looked after and their families think about care?
Care-experienced children and young people as well as their families have unique perspectives on the care system and incorporating their views into decision-making has a...
Publications 14 May 2019
Analysis of the Factors Contributing to the High Rates of Care in Wales
On 31st March 2018, there were 6,405 children looked after in Wales, almost 1,900 more children than were looked after in 2006. Over that time Wales has consistently had...
Publications 14 January 2019
Integrated Early Years Systems
A review of international evidence
Commentary 11 January 2019
Preventing youth homelessness in Wales
Homelessness expert Tamsin Stirling explores what's being done to tackle youth homelessness
Publications 2 November 2018
Legislating to Prohibit Parental Physical Punishment of Children
This report explores what might be learnt from countries which have introduced legislation to prohibit parental physical punishment of children. Based on a review of...