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Showing results 17-24 of 837
Naomi Alleyne
Deputy Chief Executive, Welsh Local Government Association
Image of Naomi Alleyne
Dr Katie Crompton
Research Assistant - ESRC Policy Innovation Fellowship
Image of Dr Katie Crompton
Dr Paul Vallance
Research Associate
Image of Dr Paul Vallance
Charlotte Deeley
Research Fellow
Image of Charlotte Deeley
Ashley Gardiner
Administrative Officer
Image of Ashley Gardiner
Asha Walker
Administrative Officer
Image of Asha Walker
Commentary 28 May 2024
Recognising and addressing rural poverty in Wales
There is growing evidence that poverty is a persistent and increasing problem for many people living in rural Wales.
Commentary 24 May 2024
What has devolution delivered for Wales?
The day after marking its 25th birthday, the Welsh Senedd voted to increase its size by more than 50%.  In 2026 the Welsh public will therefore elect 96...