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Publications 8 July 2022
What is the role of evidence in shaping suicide prevention policy in Wales?
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.ยน Across the globe, 800,000 people die by suicide every year, translating to approximately one suicide death...
Pages 22 June 2022
Pages 22 June 2022
Governance and Implementation
How do we make government work for everyone?
Pages 22 June 2022
Health and Social Care
What policy options does Wales have to build a better health and social care system in an ever changing political landscape?
Pages 22 June 2022
Economy, Decarbonisation and Skills
How can we move to a more resilient, prosperous, and inclusive decarbonised future Welsh economy?
Pages 22 June 2022
Children and Families
The number of children in care in Wales on the rise. How can we support families to reverse this trend and to minimise negative outcomes?
Pages 22 June 2022
Loneliness and Connected Communities
How can connected community policy interventions help ease social isolation in Wales?