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Commentary 30 August 2022
‘Blending’ online and offline provision in community wellbeing services: what does it mean and why does it matter?
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, public and third sector organisations supporting community wellbeing have relied on a mixture of remote and face-to-face methods for delivering services...
Blended Services
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, public and third sector organisations supporting community wellbeing have relied on a mixture of remote and face-to-face methods for delivering services...
past event
Decarbonising the Welsh economy
18 January 2023
How will Wales in 2050 differ from the Wales of today?   Watch the live stream-   Following the Welsh Government’s pledge to meet net...
Commentary 18 August 2022
Finding a path to university as a mature student
It wasn’t until I came to the conclusion that I was miserable in my job that I first heard the monkey on my back...
Dr Peter Kenway
Director and co-founder.
Karen Jones
Former Administrative Assistant