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Commentary 11 October 2023
Fair’s fair? Equality, equity and access to tertiary education
As the new Commission for Tertiary Education and Research gears up, Jack Price explores what more can be done to create a fairer system for...
Equity in tertiary education
Post-compulsory learning is associated with a range of positive life outcomes but how can we ensure equal access to these benefits?
Publications 9 August 2023
Loneliness Inequalities Evidence Review
Research evidence shows overwhelmingly that loneliness affects some groups in society more than others and is particularly acute for those who face multiple forms of...
Commentary 19 July 2023
A Revolution by Stealth? Basic Income Experiments Proliferate
In this guest blog on basic income, Professor Guy Standing looks at the growing number of basic income trials around the world, and the evidence...
Commentary 17 July 2023
Basic income: What is it and what it isn’t
In this guest blog, Dr Francine Mestrum looks at three different forms of basic income - a universal basic income, a basic income for those...
Commentary 19 June 2023
Not everybody wants a goat!
Five takeaways from our conference on Wales' basic income pilot
Commentary 16 June 2023
It’s time to talk about loneliness inequalities
In this blog, Josh Coles-Riley explains why the Wales Centre for Public Policy has commissioned a major new review of research on loneliness inequalities – and...
Commentary 15 December 2022
What works to tackle poverty? Experimenting with a Basic Income in Wales
The current ‘cost of living crisis’ has highlighted the urgency of identifying and developing effective approaches to tackling poverty, an objective which underpinned the poverty...