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A local authority-led transition to net zero
The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) is coordinating a climate change transition and recovery support programme to meet the overall target for the public sector...
Publications 5 December 2023
How could Wales meet energy needs by 2035 while phasing out fossil fuels?
Our outputs show that, while reaching the 2035 target is achievable, it will require fast and sustained action to increase electricity generation.
Commentary 16 October 2023
How can Wales feed itself in the biodiverse, carbon-neutral world of the future?
Read WWF Cymru's response to our recent report: How could Wales feed itself by 2035?
Commentary 25 July 2023
The benefits of Welsh diet change for our health, climate and pockets
Reducing emissions from agriculture remains one of the biggest barriers on Wales’ pathway to net zero. Progress has been limited in recent years and while ‘...
Publications 25 July 2023
How could Wales feed itself in 2035?
To achieve the Welsh Government’s net zero ambitions, Wales needs to reduce its agricultural emissions through changes to farming practices and increased carbon sequestration,...
Publications 28 June 2023
Net zero 2035: Trends and pathways report
While reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in Wales have, so far, kept pace with existing targets on the pathway to achieving net zero by 2050, future...
Commentary 28 June 2023
Using evidence to accelerate action on climate change
What scope is there for Welsh Government to do more, to change its approach, or to deliver its existing net zero ambitions more effectively?
Publications 12 May 2023
Review of regulatory models for building safety
The Welsh Government is in the process of reforming the building regulation system to ensure ‘people feel safe and secure in their homes'.