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Publications 10 January 2022
Education recovery: Responding to the Coronavirus pandemic
Coronavirus-related school closures have resulted in significant disruption to children and young people’s learning in schools and colleges in Wales, as elsewhere. In the...
Publications 7 January 2022
Raising the age of participation in education to 18
In England, the compulsory age of participation in education or training was raised to 17 in 2013 and then 18 in 2015. In Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, the...
Children looked after
The substantial and sustained increase in the rate of children in care in Wales over the past 25 years has been a source of policy concern...
Publications 22 September 2021
Multi-agency working and outcomes for children looked after
‘At risk’ children and families will frequently interact with multiple agencies and services. It has been a long-held aspiration that these bodies and the services...
Publications 22 February 2021
Education attainment: Responding to the Coronavirus pandemic
This briefing note summarises findings drawn from an initial scan of the evidence on the international education response to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Education attainment: Responding to the Coronavirus pandemic
The Coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated existing educational inequalities worldwide. Modelling of the impact of school closures in England suggests that ten years’ worth of efforts...
Raising the age of participation in education or training to 18 in Wales
In England, the compulsory age of participation in education or training was raised to 17 in 2013 and then 18 in 2015. In Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, the...
Publications 23 September 2020
Domestic abuse interventions in Wales
This report considers the interventions to address domestic abuse and keep people safe, placing these in the legislative context of the Violence Against Women, Domestic...