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Showing results 145-152 of 837
Emma Spear
Deputy Director - Health and Social Services
Jude Langdon
Centre Manager
Image of Jude Langdon
Publications 26 January 2023
What counts as evidence for policy?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the refrain of ‘following the science’ became commonplace. But what is meant by evidence can vary according to who is asked,...
Publications 13 January 2023
Housing stock energy modelling: Towards a model for Wales
The combination of increasing global demand for energy and strict carbon emissions targets have made the decision-making process around acquiring and using energy complex. In...
Professor Darren Robinson
Director of Research
Commentary 15 December 2022
What works to tackle poverty? Experimenting with a Basic Income in Wales
The current ‘cost of living crisis’ has highlighted the urgency of identifying and developing effective approaches to tackling poverty, an objective which underpinned the poverty...
Publications 6 December 2022
International approaches to a Just Transition
The Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) was commissioned by the Welsh Government to conduct a review of international approaches to a just transition to...
Commentary 2 December 2022
Tackling poverty and mental health together: a multi-agency approach
The Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) has recommended four areas of focus for Welsh Government action on poverty and social exclusion. One of these...