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Showing results 113-120 of 145
Brexit and Wales – Land and Sea
This project explores the potential implications of Brexit on fisheries, agriculture, and rural areas in Wales.
Publications 2 February 2018
Sub-national Government Involvement in International Trade Negotiations
This report provides a rapid evidence review of sub-national government involvement in international trade negotiations.
Publications 16 January 2018
The Implications of Brexit for Agriculture, Rural Areas and Land Use in Wales
What challenges and opportunities will Brexit have for agriculture and rural areas in Wales?
Publications 18 December 2017
Inclusive Growth in Wales
Wales has the potential to lead the way in developing a more inclusive economy.
Commentary 1 November 2017
Stijn Broecke discusses the OECD’s research into the Future of Work
Stijn Broecke, Senior Economist in Employment, Labour and Social Affairs at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), talks about the OECD’s programme...
Commentary 1 November 2017
Matthew Taylor talks about the Future of Work
Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), discusses the RSA's programme for the Future of Work, at our Future of Work...
Commentary 1 November 2017
First Minister Opens the Future of Work in Wales Event
The First Minister of Wales, The Right Honourable Carwyn Jones AM, delivers the opening remarks at the inaugural event of the Wales Centre for Public...
Publications 1 November 2017
Future of Work in Wales
The future of work is uncertain, with a wide range of societal changes affecting the labour market.