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Publications 13 June 2014
Indebtedness, Low Income and Financial Exclusion in Wales
As part of its first work programme, The Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) was asked to look at the impact of debt on deprived...
Publications 17 January 2014
The Implications of ‘Small Country Governance’ for Public Services
This report was prepared for the Commission on Public Service Governance and Delivery. It examines what is meant by 'small country governance', discusses whether it...
Publications 13 January 2014
Performance Management and Public Service Improvement
This report has been prepared for the Commission on Public Service Governance and Delivery. It draws together research from around the world to address four...
Publications 8 January 2014
Collaboration and Public Services Improvement
Governments across the world have adopted collaborative approaches to managing public services in a bid to tackle wicked issues, improve services and contain costs. Collaboration...
Publications 6 January 2014
Achieving Accountability in Public Services
This report has been prepared for the Commission on Public Service Governance and Delivery. It draws together recent debates and research evidence to address questions...