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Publications 23 July 2018
Evidence for Good
How charities use evidence to boost their influence and impact
Publications 2 July 2018
The Welsh Tax Base: Risks and Opportunities after Fiscal Devolution
Under the new Fiscal Framework and devolution of some tax powers, from April 2019, the Welsh Government and local authorities will control nearly £5 billion of tax...
Publications 21 June 2018
Commissions and their Role in Public Policy
Bringing together evidence and expert perspectives on the factors that make policy commissions successful
Commentary 18 June 2018
Evidence-informed policymaking: does knowledge brokering work?
This article by Sarah Quarmby originally appeared on the LSE British Politics and Policy blog
Evidence for Welsh Public Service Leaders on Public Procurement
Mobilising the power of procurement is a growing area of interest. The Welsh public sector spends approximately £6 billion annually on goods, services and works, however...
Commentary 16 May 2018
Strengthening the Links Between Academic Research and the National Assembly for Wales
Exploring some of the main ways that the Welsh Assembly and academic researchers can keep in touch
Commentary 15 May 2018
Our part in the Welsh Government Gender Equality Review
Dr Alison Parken is contributing to a review of international best practice on gender equality
Improving Impact Assessments
Reviewing existing impact assessment processes and making recommendations on their improvement