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Commentary 21 October 2019
Tackling Inequalities through Gender Budgeting
With the opportunity provided by the Gender Equality Review and the commitment to feminist principles by the Welsh Government, the time is ripe for the...
Publications 16 October 2019
The Value of Trade Unions in Wales
Trade unions are an integral part of the Welsh Government’s social partnership model, and more broadly an essential part of the economic and social...
Commentary 21 August 2019
How did we get here and how can we build on it?
Seven chapters that shape the Welsh economy.
Commentary 6 June 2019
Evidence, practice and philosophy: How can we undertake effective evidence-informed practice in Wales?
Wales is currently experiencing an unprecedented level of educational reform. Along with a distinctive approach to curriculum development comes an emphasis on transforming schools into...
Implications of UK migration policy on the Welsh economy after Brexit
Building on our previous work looking into immigration policy after Brexit, this project focuses on the likely impact of UK Government migration policies on the...
Commentary 26 February 2019
We need to talk about procurement
5 things we learned from our recent event launching our new report
Commentary 14 February 2019
Is the future of the economy threatening local taxation?
Examining the impact of automation and high street closures on tax revenues