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Commentary 8 November 2023
Let’s talk about poverty stigma
Poverty stigma – what is it, where does it come from and why are we working on it?
Poverty Stigma
We are supporting public services and policy makers in Wales to understand poverty stigma, how it affects their communities and ways to reduce it.
News Articles 18 October 2023
Building the foundations of a healthier democracy in Wales  
A new Wales Centre for Public Policy report recommends ways to improve the measurement of democratic health in Wales.
Publications 18 October 2023
Defining, Measuring and Monitoring Democratic Health in Wales
The Counsel General has asked the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) to explore how Wales’ democratic health can best be defined, measured, and monitored.
Commentary 16 October 2023
How can Wales feed itself in the biodiverse, carbon-neutral world of the future?
Read WWF Cymru's response to our recent report: How could Wales feed itself by 2035?