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Commentary 3 June 2024
Hidden poverty in Welsh communities
Poverty is sometimes depicted as a primarily urban phenomenon but there is financial hardship in all regions and geographies in Wales. One in five (21%) of...
Commentary 31 May 2024
Navigating farming futures
How can farmers go ‘Green’ if they are in the ‘Red'?
Commentary 28 May 2024
Recognising and addressing rural poverty in Wales
There is growing evidence that poverty is a persistent and increasing problem for many people living in rural Wales.
Publications 7 March 2024
Lived experience evidence in disability policy making
Welsh Government is committed to including lived experience evidence in policymaking wherever possible. This commitment was reinforced in disability policymaking following the publication of the...
Commentary 7 March 2024
Q and A with Kathryn Williams, PhD intern
We caught up with Kathryn Williams who has recently spent three months as a PhD intern with WCPP. Kathryn is an ESRC funded PhD student...
Commentary 1 March 2024
Exploring and enhancing the role of lived experience
The Wales Centre for Public Policy is delighted to be hosting an 18-month UKRI Fellowship to explore and enhance the role of lived experience expertise   
Commentary 8 November 2023
Let’s talk about poverty stigma
Poverty stigma – what is it, where does it come from and why are we working on it?
Poverty Stigma
We are supporting public services and policy makers in Wales to understand poverty stigma, how it affects their communities and ways to reduce it.