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Commentary 24 May 2024
What has devolution delivered for Wales?
The day after marking its 25th birthday, the Welsh Senedd voted to increase its size by more than 50%.  In 2026 the Welsh public will therefore elect 96...
Publications 22 May 2024
Embedding social value in procurement
There is increasing expectation for public procurement to deliver positive outcomes for society and the communities which public bodies serve. This emphasis on social value...
Publications 20 May 2024
Expert opinion on eliminating profit from the care of children looked after
We were commissioned to gather experts’ opinions on the Welsh Government's proposed legislation to eliminate private profit from the provision of children’s residential and...
Commentary 17 April 2024
How to improve regional productivity levers in England and Wales
How to improve regional productivity levers in England and Wales As winners of the 2024 Award for the Best Paper published in Regional Studies Policy Debates,...
Commentary 1 March 2024
Exploring and enhancing the role of lived experience
The Wales Centre for Public Policy is delighted to be hosting an 18-month UKRI Fellowship to explore and enhance the role of lived experience expertise   
Publications 18 October 2023
Defining, Measuring and Monitoring Democratic Health in Wales
The Counsel General has asked the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) to explore how Wales’ democratic health can best be defined, measured, and monitored.
Publications 26 January 2023
What counts as evidence for policy?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the refrain of ‘following the science’ became commonplace. But what is meant by evidence can vary according to who is asked,...
Defining, measuring, and monitoring democratic health in Wales
‘Democracy’ is seen as an ideal system of government, because it confers power and legitimacy to political actors and institutions only to the extent that...