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Publications 7 June 2021
Volunteering and wellbeing during the Coronavirus pandemic
Volunteering has played a crucial role in supporting communities during the pandemic. Interest in volunteering saw a dramatic spike early in the pandemic, and volunteers...
Publications 26 May 2021
The role of communities and the use of technology in mitigating loneliness during the pandemic
This report presents findings from WCPP research on the role of communities and the use of technology in mitigating loneliness during the Coronavirus pandemic. Tackling...
Publications 14 December 2020
Designing technology-enabled services to tackle loneliness
Tackling loneliness was a priority for Welsh Government and public services across Wales before the Coronavirus pandemic and has become a greater concern since. The...
Publications 30 April 2020
Loneliness in the lockdown
Loneliness and social isolation are key challenges to wellbeing. As improving wellbeing continues to be a priority for Welsh policy and public services, tackling loneliness...
Publications 9 October 2015
Future Need and Demand for Housing in Wales
Is Wales prepared for the future need and demand for housing?
Publications 28 September 2015
Meeting the Housing Needs of an Ageing Population
This report by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) presents a series of recommendations on the challenges that population ageing poses for housing needs...
Publications 12 August 2015
The Impact of Welfare Reforms on Housing Policy in Wales: A Rapid Evidence Review
This report reviews the existing evidence of the impact of welfare reforms on housing policy in Wales. There have been several studies of the impact...