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Publications 19 November 2024
Exploring the role of multisector collaboration in Welsh transport
The Welsh Government commissioned the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) to explore how the Welsh Government and TfW could increase stakeholder voice in transport...
Publications 22 September 2023
Blending online and face-to-face provision in community wellbeing services
Research carried out by WCPP in conjunction with Frame CIC, has furthered our understanding of ‘blended’ delivery of wellbeing services across Wales.
Publications 9 August 2023
Loneliness Inequalities Evidence Review
Research evidence shows overwhelmingly that loneliness affects some groups in society more than others and is particularly acute for those who face multiple forms of...
Publications 12 June 2023
Older adults and the pandemic: tackling loneliness through technology
Loneliness and social isolation have significant impacts on older people’s health and wellbeing. This has been a priority issue for the Welsh Government since...
Publications 23 February 2023
What can Public Service Boards do to improve well-being from a community perspective?
Public Services Boards (PSBs) are required by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to produce local well-being plans every five years, on the basis...
Publications 27 May 2022
Infrastructure and longterm wellbeing
This commentary report accompanies a rapid review of evidence about how physical infrastructure influences long-term wellbeing, commissioned by the Welsh Government to help inform its...
Publications 13 October 2021
Stakeholders’ ideas for tackling loneliness in Wales through the pandemic and beyond
In July 2021, the Wales Centre for Public Policy worked in partnership with Kaleidoscope Health and Care to run a multifaceted engagement programme involving stakeholders working...