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Publications 1 April 2016
Improving Impact Assessments
This report examines what Welsh Government could do to improve its Impact Assessment process.
Publications 11 January 2016
Re-thinking the Work Programme in Wales
This report from the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) provides independent advice on how the Work Programme (WP) might be operated differently in Wales...
Publications 10 December 2015
Coping with the Cuts: Lessons from English Councils’ Responses to Budget Reductions
his report by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) analyses the impact of reductions in central government funding for councils in England and to...
Publications 6 October 2015
Connection, Coherence and Capacity: Policy Making in Smaller Countries
The William Plowden Fellowship supports short research projects looking at issues of governance and public policy. Under its auspices, Tamlyn Rabey, a civil servant at...
Publications 10 September 2015
Comparing Council Performance: The Feasibility of Cross-National Comparisons within the UK
For this report the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) commissioned experts at the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) to assess the...
Publications 17 July 2015
High Performing Councils Think-piece
This report, written by Dr Barry Quirk, examines what makes for a good council. Dr Quirk is one of the UK’s most experienced and...
Publications 24 February 2015
Governing for Success: Reviewing the Evidence on Enterprise Zones
Enterprise Zones have proved to be an enduring feature of local economic development policy in the United Kingdom. Evidence on the achievements of previous zone...
Publications 24 November 2014
A Shared Responsibility: Maximising Learning from the Invest to Save Fund
This report from the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) concludes that councils, health boards and Welsh Government can work together more closely and need...