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Publications 6 June 2015
International Experience of Prioritisation of Elective Surgery
Given the unprecedented financial pressures on the National Health Service in Wales, difficult decisions have to be made about how to allocate and use resources....
Publications 24 February 2015
Governing for Success: Reviewing the Evidence on Enterprise Zones
Enterprise Zones have proved to be an enduring feature of local economic development policy in the United Kingdom. Evidence on the achievements of previous zone...
Publications 2 February 2015
Tackling Homelessness: A Rapid Evidence Review
The Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) was asked to advise on what more the Welsh Government might do to tackle homelessness. We conducted a...
Publications 24 November 2014
A Shared Responsibility: Maximising Learning from the Invest to Save Fund
This report from the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) concludes that councils, health boards and Welsh Government can work together more closely and need...
Publications 12 November 2014
Regulation and Financing of Bus Services in Wales
This report by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) suggests that a significant element of government subsidy is being captured as profit by the...
Publications 29 October 2014
How Should the Welsh Government Decide where to Locate its Overseas Offices?
Making sure Wales has the right web presence and creating roving teams to promote benefits of locating in Wales are just two recommendations from reports...
Publications 13 June 2014
Indebtedness, Low Income and Financial Exclusion in Wales
As part of its first work programme, The Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) was asked to look at the impact of debt on deprived...
Publications 17 January 2014
The Implications of ‘Small Country Governance’ for Public Services
This report was prepared for the Commission on Public Service Governance and Delivery. It examines what is meant by 'small country governance', discusses whether it...