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Publications 24 October 2019
Achieving a prosperous economy: insights from other nations and regions
This report summarises the evidence from approaches that have improved economic performance in a selection of areas in the UK and Europe. Identifying areas comparable...
Publications 16 October 2019
The Value of Trade Unions in Wales
Trade unions are an integral part of the Welsh Government’s social partnership model, and more broadly an essential part of the economic and social...
Publications 24 September 2019
Tackling Inequality through Gender Budgeting
Gender budgeting is an approach to public policy making that puts gender analysis at the heart of budget processes, public finance and economic policy, as...
Publications 24 September 2019
Gender Equality – Learning from Nordic Nations
This report summarises discussions from a gender equality knowledge exchange, facilitated by Wales Centre for Public Policy, between experts from Nordic nations, Welsh Government ministers...
Publications 26 June 2019
At the Tipping Point: Welsh Local Government and Austerity
This report outlines Welsh councils’ responses to austerity, drawing on interviews with Welsh council leaders, chief executives, finance directors, and external stakeholders. Councils have responded...
Publications 17 May 2019
Powers and Policy Levers – What works in delivering Welsh Government policies?
This report presents the findings of research on the ways in which Welsh Ministers use the powers and policy levers available to them. We focus...
Publications 14 May 2019
Analysis of the Factors Contributing to the High Rates of Care in Wales
On 31st March 2018, there were 6,405 children looked after in Wales, almost 1,900 more children than were looked after in 2006. Over that time Wales has consistently had...