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Publications 30 April 2020
Loneliness in the lockdown
Loneliness and social isolation are key challenges to wellbeing. As improving wellbeing continues to be a priority for Welsh policy and public services, tackling loneliness...
Publications 20 March 2020
Strengthening economic resilience
In the face of economic uncertainty, policy makers are interested in how the economic resilience of economies might be strengthened. This report examines the evidence...
Publications 10 March 2020
Increasing the impact of the What Works network across the UK
This report summarises the learning from an ESRC Strategic Fund project led by the Wales Centre for Public Policy in partnership with Queen’s University...
Publications 3 March 2020
International approaches to managing placement provision for children and young people looked after
This report presents the findings of a review of the international evidence on approaches to managing placement provision for children and young peopled looked after,...
Publications 17 February 2020
What do children and young people looked after and their families think about care?
Care-experienced children and young people as well as their families have unique perspectives on the care system and incorporating their views into decision-making has a...
Publications 31 January 2020
Public Engagement and ‘A Healthier Wales’
This report considers how commitments on public engagement set out in A Healthier Wales (AHW) might be translated into an evidence-informed programme of activity. Defining...
Publications 14 January 2020
Administering Social Security in Wales
In Wales social security is currently reserved to the UK Government, with the exception of some benefits. Since the devolution of social security in Scotland (2018)...