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Publications 22 May 2024
Embedding social value in procurement
There is increasing expectation for public procurement to deliver positive outcomes for society and the communities which public bodies serve. This emphasis on social value...
Publications 20 May 2024
Expert opinion on eliminating profit from the care of children looked after
We were commissioned to gather experts’ opinions on the Welsh Government's proposed legislation to eliminate private profit from the provision of children’s residential and...
Publications 18 October 2023
Defining, Measuring and Monitoring Democratic Health in Wales
The Counsel General has asked the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) to explore how Wales’ democratic health can best be defined, measured, and monitored.
Publications 26 January 2023
What counts as evidence for policy?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the refrain of ‘following the science’ became commonplace. But what is meant by evidence can vary according to who is asked,...
Publications 25 October 2022
National Milestones
The Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015 requires Welsh Government Ministers to set National Indicators to measure progress towards the seven national well-being goals, shown...
Publications 10 April 2022
What Works Network Implementation Project
Building on our work to increase the impact of the What Works network across the UK, the Wales Centre for Public Policy won funding from...
Publications 25 March 2022
Reform of electoral law and practice
Elections were devolved to Wales through the Government of Wales Act 2017. Since then, Welsh Ministers have embarked on a programme of electoral reform most noted...