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Publications 22 May 2024
Embedding social value in procurement
There is increasing expectation for public procurement to deliver positive outcomes for society and the communities which public bodies serve. This emphasis on social value...
Publications 20 May 2024
Expert opinion on eliminating profit from the care of children looked after
We were commissioned to gather experts’ opinions on the Welsh Government's proposed legislation to eliminate private profit from the provision of children’s residential and...
Publications 10 April 2024
How could Wales heat and build low-carbon homes by 2035?
Achieving net zero in Wales requires drastic reductions in emissions from new and existing buildings. Decarbonisation of domestic heating has a critical role to play...
Publications 28 March 2024
Decarbonising Wales’ transport system while connecting people and places
Transport is the third highest greenhouse gas emitting sector in Wales. Decarbonising the transport sector while ensuring that the people and places of Wales are...
Publications 28 March 2024
What could education, jobs and work look like across Wales by 2035?
Education and work form the backbone of people’s lives, as well as being of crucial importance to the economic and social development of Wales....
Publications 7 March 2024
Lived experience evidence in disability policy making
Welsh Government is committed to including lived experience evidence in policymaking wherever possible. This commitment was reinforced in disability policymaking following the publication of the...
Publications 12 January 2024
Data analysis to support multi-agency working for vulnerable children and families
Multi-agency data can be used to identify trends, risks and opportunities, and to inform the development of effective policies and services for vulnerable children and...
Publications 18 December 2023
International approaches to population ageing and decline
There is a real risk of population decline in Wales, especially among the younger and working age populations, and especially if in-migration falls.